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Our Uganda Partner

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Country: Uganda

Name of Ministry:

Mustard seed faith centre ministries

Ministry Leader(s)

Alphonce Oburu




Testimony of the Ministry Leader

Glory be God for His mercy endures forever. Really God has been so faithful and good to us as a ministry and when you compare how we started and see where we are now, we really say God is so good. Though we haven’t reached where we hope to, but we say Glory be to our God.

My name is Samuel Muwanguzi Maloko, it's really unbelievable when I tell how I joined Mustard Seed Faith Ministry, Mayuge Uganda. Due to the situation that I was going through in Luuka District in Uganda. I one time felt it necessary to go and have lunch hour fellowship at Bethel healing centre church Iganga of pastored by Ps. Talemwa. Reaching there, I found Pastor Oburu Alphonse preaching because they had invited him that day. After his preaching, I went there Just to greet him because he is a family friend. So, when he saw, he gave me real warm welcome and asked how am pushing on with life, ministry and other. I told him everything that was going on in my life and he welcomed me to Mayuge, and introduced me to the ministry he was running: Mustard Seed Ministry. Reaching there, they just put me to lead the Music department I love music and I’m a Gospel artist and when my Pastor discovered a Pastoral gift/leadership in me, they ordained me as one of the Pastors in the ministry. I like the ministry because they are on right doctrine and they preach Jesus Christ and more so the Great Commission. And as I talk now, am a full minister in Mustard seed faith centre ministries Mayuge. I bless the Lord. Hallelujah.

Call into Ministry

Call into Ministry / How did God call the leader to start ministry?

In 2003, the Lord spoke to Bishop Alphonse Oburu and his wife to leave Iganga to go and start a ministry in Mayuge. A blessing was prayed over him by Late Ps. Perezi his spiritual father and he left to begin the work of the Lord in Mayuge, Uganda.

On reaching Mayuge, it was full of Muslims: a mosque within every square kilometre. But by the grace of God, they settled in the area which was also surrounded by prostitution, witch doctors and sorcerers, hit by HIV/AIDS scourge, full of orphans and widows.

The church was started in the power of the Holy Spirit and now the church has grown to over 250 believers and many branches have been opened up in different places.


Vision of the Ministry

Reaching the whole world with the Gospel of the Kingdom, peace and Redemption.


Mission of the ministry

To plant 1000 churches within 30yrs in Uganda and abroad.
Reaching out to the poor with a Gospel of righteousness.

Ministry Objectives

General Ministry Objectives include:

  1. To provide the basic support to our people using the resources that we hold today.
  2. To provide for the widows and reach out to more with not only the Gospel but also material support.


Ministry Achievements to date:

  1. Planted more than six churches
  2. Acquired main church plot
  3. Orphanage school is place.
  4. Built home for pastor
  5. Radio program on Mayuge FM (now paused due to inadequate finances to run it)
Pray with us

How you can pray with us for this ministry:

Country wide work

Please pray with us to have the financial means that will enable us to go all around the country sharing our testimonies, training young people, planting churches, preaching the Gospel, equipping people, purchasing furniture and Public Address Systems.

Fellow workers
Please pray with us that the Lord sends more labourers (e.g pastors, prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers and volunteers.

Miracle, Signs and wonders
We are working in a country where the majority are Muslims so please pray for the Lord to increase the miracles, signs and wonders by our hand so that the Muslims can believe that the gospel is alive and Jesus is Lord!

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