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Our Pakistan Partner

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Country: Pakistan

Name of Ministry:

Family Prayer Ministry

Ministry Leader(s)

Dilnawaz Dilshad Bhatti




Testimony of the Ministry Leader

I want to share my testimony that years ago, I was so much addicted to alcohol, and one day when I was on a table with a bottle of alcohol; fully drunk, I heard a voice in the room where I was sitting but when I looked around there was no one with me. After some time again I heard a voice from the Lord that said, “Stop drinking and come back to me I have chosen you. On that very day, I left all this and started praying on a daily basis and I got baptized too. This is a big testimony in my life that I stopped busing in just one day.

Call into Ministry

Call into Ministry / How did God call the leader to start ministry?

O yes one day I was in my home church for a prayer meeting.
When the Pastor called for offertory, I felt so ashamed and embarrassed because I had nothing to give.
On that day, the Lord Jesus told me to start a ministry and “don’t get offertory from congregants.
Right after there, I started this ministry: Family Prayer Ministry.


Vision of the Ministry

Win souls to the Kingdom of God.


Mission of the ministry

Make disciples, teach Biblical truth through training and mentorships making the word evident in the daily life of a believer.

Ministry Objectives

General Ministry Objectives include:

  1. Preach the gospel delivering all families in Lahore, Pakistan and have all people baptised


Ministry Achievements to date:

  1. From last one year 10 to 15 families are now connected with our ministry.
  2. We also held a one-time youth seminar and a Christmas kids’ programme.
Pray with us

How you can pray with us for this ministry:

Country wide work
Please pray with us to have the financial means that will enable us to go all around the country sharing our testimonies, training young people, planting churches, preaching the Gospel, equipping people, purchasing furniture and Public Address Systems.

Fellow workers
Please pray with us that the Lord sends more labourers (e.g pastors, prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers and volunteers.)

Miracle, Signs and wonders
We are working in a country where the majority are Muslims so please pray for the Lord to increase the miracles, signs and wonders by our hand so that the Muslims can believe that the gospel is alive and Jesus is Lord!

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