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Request for Prayer Be part of the Mission

Accountabiltiy Board

Home Accountabiltiy Board

Become an Elder/Advisor/Leader to us.

We value being accountable to one another, for one plants and another waters. For this great and effectual work, will you join us to lead others?

Advisor/Elder/leadership roles we need to fill We are looking for brethren who are full of the Spirit and of wisdom to assist us.

The following are some of the leadership roles of we need to fill.

Head of prayer and Intercession (urgent) We want this ministry to have a 24 hour, round the clock prayer hour and for that we want to have an army of intercessors. You will be responsible for this army and leading a 24/7 prayer chat and call line.

Ministry partner coordinator (urgent)You have experience with different ministries and perhaps with para church organisations. You will lead the team to coordinate with various pastors and ministry leaders so they can join us in our work. This role we feel is very important as the Lord has made it very clear that we need unity in the Church for “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (John 13:35).

Technology/media advisor. The way we reach others changes all the time but the message remains the same. You will be tech savvy and will be responsible for keeping our technology and media tools relevant and leading technology development efforts. You will as part of this lead the website’s Community forum moderators and the Verification associates.

Content/story telling advisor You will help ensure that our doctrine as contained in ministry articles, newsletters, videos and other content remains faithful to the Apostles’ teaching as contained in the 66 books of the bible.

Missions/charity advisor. You will work in close conjunction with our ministry partner coordinator in leading the work of identifying missions and charity activities we want to support and be involved with.

Financial advisor. You are likely to be an experienced and fully qualified accountant (CPA, CA, ACCA or equivalent) and will share our heart of being transparent in all financial matters that the enemy might not snare us in the area of money. We are nevertheless not ignorant of his tricks and so with the wisdom of the Lord, you will steer our finances to ensure we remain accountable and be faithful stewards – both to our fellow men and to our Lord.

Contacts/next steps

Email us: info@ourtestimony.org and include:

  • Your testimony. How did you encounter the Lord and how is your walk thus far?
  • A summary of your experience.
  • The number of days/hours you can commit to.
  • Your time zone/country.

God bless you. D E Wasake, a bondservant of Jesus.

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