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And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.
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Our DR Congo Partner

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Country: DR Congo

Name of Ministry:


Ministry Leader(s)



Democratic Republic of Congo


Testimony of the Ministry Leader

My name is MWATI AMANI BIN SAMUEL, I was born on February 4, 1980 in the Democratic Republic of Congo from a Christian family of which my late father was the first bishop of our church and visionary of the said church, in the southern province Kivu city of Bukavu. I am married to a woman named KAHENGA AMANZO JACQUELINE who is a prophetess also from a Christian family whose father was superintendent of the Free Methodist church in Kalemie and with whom we have 6 children.
My wife is a servant of God with a prophetic ministry. On 04/15/1995 I was baptized and received the sacrament of the Eucharist and, on 05/14/1998 the sacrament of confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church. During the first war of our country called the war of liberation during which the former president MOBUTU SESE was ousted from power by Laurent Désiré Kabila in 1996 we fled the war to our native village at a distance of more than 600 KM on foot with our whole family, during this period of the war we lost our little sister who died following an illness at this time.
After the death of our little sister our father, the holy spirit revealed himself to our father so that he could serve God. As we were from a Catholic family and at war, my father went to a prophet where we received the message from this man of God who challenged my father to serve the Lord.
On January 1, 1999 my father created the community of Episcopal and Pentecostal churches of the resurrection in Christ. At that time I opposed this decision of my father in my heart friends on December 31, 1999 I was baptized by immersion and I began to sing for the eternal. But, despite this, I was not completely convinced. Having become a missionary in our community since 2004 in greater Katanga where my wife and I met, I did not want to take on the ecclesiastical responsibility because in my professional life I earned quite a bit of money in the maintenance sector in a private company INTERLACS Cement where I worked as a maintenance electrician. In 2010 after experiencing a traffic accident, where God completely saved me from this accident.
In 2014, being in a prayer vigil, the saint revealed himself to a brother who had started speaking in tongues saying my son Samuel my son please shepherd the sheep, I asked myself a question how I can shepherd these sheep and I am not their shepherd? Leaving this place of prayer, arriving at my house, the same message that I received on the eve of prayer that the same holy spirit had revealed himself to my wife at 5 a.m. and had begun to speak in tongue with the same massage. During three years of flight like Jonah, Jonah 1:1-11, who did not want to do what God had given him as a mission, after several difficulties, in 2017 I was consecrated vicar bishop on December 31, 2017 in Bukavu and 9 me after my spiritual and biological father died and after his death I now understood the meaning of this message “my son Samuel my son please feed my sheep. » and from there I became the leader of our Church until today where several people are baptized and saved and others believed in Jesus Christ and more than 5 churches are established. For me it is a great pride to serve my God. Amen

Call into Ministry

Call into Ministry / How did God call the leader to start ministry?

During the first war of our country called the war of liberation during which the former president MOBUTU SESE was ousted from power by Laurent Désiré Kabila in 1996 we fled the war to our native village at a distance of more than 600 KM on foot with our whole family, during this period of the war we lost our little sister who died following an illness at this time.

After the death of our little sister our father, the holy spirit revealed himself to our father so that he would serve God. As we were from a Catholic family and at war, my father went to a prophet where we received the message from this man of God who challenged my father to serve the Lord.

On January 1, 1999 my father created the community of Episcopal and Pentecostal churches of the resurrection in Christ.


Vision of the Ministry

That of spreading the good news to all nations. (Matthew. 28:19).


Mission of the ministry

The CEPRC asbl is a religious community concerned with accomplishing the mission bequeathed to it by the Lord JESUS CHRIST, that of spreading the good news to all nations. (Matthew. 28:19).
This work must be done in fraternal communion, unity and mutual understanding following the recommendations of the Lord JESUS CHRIST ( John. 13:35).
The CEPRC is convinced that this mission can only be fulfilled by further bringing the gospel throughout the world via the Democratic Republic of Congo. This will be done in the order and discipline as desired by the Bible which sets out the rules of the game. (1 Cor. 14:33).

Ministry Objectives

General Ministry Objectives include:

  1. Evangelization
  2. The life of the Church
  3. Christian education
  4. Theological promotion
  5. Social and/or medical works (primary, secondary, university schools, health centers, hospitals, pharmacies, etc.)
  6. Philanthropic and/or charitable activities
  7. Defense of human rights, Jeremiah 22:3, Micah 6:8, Amos 5:24
  8. Wife and family
  9. Agriculture and livestock
  10. Teaching
  11. Spiritual combat
  12. The development of grassroots communities
  13. Etc

Join us in our mission to preach the gospel and extend care to the souls and bodies of individuals across Africa. Your partnership is essential in helping us fulfil our vision of holistic transformation, as we work tirelessly to share the message of salvation and meet the physical needs of those we serve.


Ministry Achievements to date:

Several achievements are underway, evangelization, organization of training of disciples, social works such as: care of orphaned children, diminished, pygmies, construction of primary and secondary schools, orphanage and others.

Other proof of achievements, please consult our Facebook page: CHURCH CEPRC

Pray with us

How you can pray with us for this ministry:

Country wide work
Please pray with us to have the financial means that will enable us to go all around the country sharing our testimonies, training young people, planting churches, preaching the Gospel, equipping people, purchasing furniture and Public Address Systems.

Fellow workers
Please pray with us that the Lord sends more labourers (e.g pastors, prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers and volunteers.

Miracle, Signs and wonders
We are working in a country where the majority are Muslims so please pray for the Lord to increase the miracles, signs and wonders by our hand so that the Muslims can believe that the gospel is alive and Jesus is Lord!

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