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Our India Partner

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Country: India

Name of Ministry:

Good Tiding Society and Fellowship Church

Ministry Leader(s)

Pastor Shaji Kunjumon




Testimony of the Ministry Leader

Praise the Lord, my name is Shaji Kunjumon, born and brought up in Christian (Anglican) family. We were Christian who lived many years without hope. My father had good job but he was so alcoholic, our family was under a certain bondage to poverty and sickness. Due to influence from friends my father started worshipping idols. In 1997, my mother received Christ as her personal Lord and saviour till now she is strong in faith and prayer. Our mother interceded for our family and all my siblings got saved except me and after 8 years my father too gave his life to Christ.

I am the first born in the family, I studied as a good student up to high school where I met friends who corrupted my good morals. I started smoking, using vulgar language, my character completely changed I became a very angry person, my attitude changed and I lost my concentration from studies and moved in to worldly life, ambition lost, now fully captured by evil but somehow, I completed high school. At the age of 18, I started alcohol, drugs and many other things. But in all, my mother never gave up on praying for the salvation of my soul. Dear brother or sister if there is any one person ready to pray or intercede for you or your family God will never let that prayer go unanswered. After alternation of my ambition, my pursuit was now money and living luxuriously.

After my course, I got a job in steel company where I got friends but were criminals. Very soon I left my job and involved in crime world. These friends just used me and gave me up to the people we cheated and these sought to kill me. With this I made up my mind to commit suicide but God saved me through my little sister who called me thrice as I held poison in my palms, refused to pick because I even never wanted anyone to save me but I somehow said let me speak my last words to my young sister. God had told her of everything that was happening in my life at that very moment. Little did I know that God was after me. All this happened in my life but I knew it was because I was disobedient and didn’t listen to my parents at all. While at my sister’s home, she counselled me and always prayed over me. After sometime I went to church with my mum and God helped go back to my old job at the steel company, I promised myself to stop drinking and avoid bad friends in power I could not do this, I lost my self again to crime and I was arrested. Newspapers, Television and all medias published my criminalism and this spoiled my family reputation, it was too much that my father counted me dead for I went further than the prodigal son written of in the Gospel books.

While in prison my sister for some day came to visit me and told me of the vision she had the night before. In the vision she saw me dressed smartly in suits walking to a big pulpit where someone gave me a microphone meaning the Lord was calling me for His service. She encouraged me on how God wanted to mould, shape and use me, how I had to receive the Lord’s counsel with the humility of the heart and she gave a Bible to always read. I read the Bible as my daily meal cover to cover/Genesis to Revelation and learned how God loves and protects His people. I felt the nag to fast and pray and I was granted permission from the wardens but restricted from a 24 hour fast.

One night I wake up and prayed this prayer, "Dear God I did many sins for I never knew you, pardon my sin help me, Lord. If you give me one more chance, I will submit my whole life you and I promise to work and live only for you." After this heart felt prayer, I experienced a big light behind my head I didn't see it but I felt it’s presence. After 30 months in prison, all my charges were cancelled I was set free.

I started going to church, involved in all activities. Since I came from prison, the society could not easily accept me for many times they made comments on my past life and this always made me cry but one night the Lord reminded me about how I thought I was only going to die and God forgave me and He told me "I forgave you don’t listen to men’s comments." My dear brother and sister especially youths, worldly pleasures are temporal and end in vain. In all my ways, only God could receive me back. After some time, I joined a college of theology and by God's grace I completed my course. In 2000 God helped me find a suitable partner miraculously. And those who knew me before are amazed to see how God now uses me.


Call into Ministry

Call into Ministry / How did God call the leader to start ministry?

As I shared in my testimony when I surrendered myself for His work after finishing my theology course, the Holy Spirit guided me and showed me the place to start ministry.


Vision of the Ministry

To reach the unchurched with the Gospel equipping the youth and raising a generation of young people who know their God.


Mission of the ministry

Nurture, train, equip and mentor youths transforming lives, raising evangelists, winning souls, planting churches and extending God's love to the poor and disadvantaged

Ministry Objectives

General Ministry Objectives include:

  1. Win souls to Christ
  2. Plant churches
  3. Preach the gospel truth
  4. Raise a generation of intercessors


Ministry Achievements to date:

  1. For 8 years now working in God's vineyard three of these I was an evangelist and assistant Pastor.
  2. God brought me and my wife in Uttarakhand state (India) as missionaries and by His grace we have planted two house churches, won a hundred souls and baptised them.
  3. We started social programs like adult literacy class
  4. We give packed foods to 50 poor people twice a week
  5. We also started an online Bible Class.
  6. Kindly pray for us.
Pray with us

How you can pray with us for this ministry:

Country wide work

Please pray with us to have the financial means that will enable us to go all around the country sharing our testimonies, training young people, planting churches, preaching the Gospel, equipping people, purchasing furniture and Public Address Systems.

Fellow workers
Please pray with us that the Lord raises more labourers to work with us in extending the gospel.

Miracle, Signs and wonders
We are working in a country where the majority are Muslims so, please pray for the Lord to use us in miracles, signs and wonders by our hand that the gospel is made live and Jesus is Lord!

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