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In the beginning…

This is the testimony of Dickson Wasake , a bond servant of Jesus, on how ourtestimony.org began:

“After 20 years as a prodigal son, I had a radical encounter with Jesus and got baptized. I was then hidden for a few years, reading the Bible. Then the word of the Lord came to me: “Create a global Christian testimony website, with verified stories.” I got scared because the task was too big and so I procrastinated for 2 years until the word of the Lord came to me a second time: “Mamayi (my native name), what if this was the last Saturday you ever had to speak to my people?” Tears filled my eyes. I replied: “Sovereign Lord, If I had 24 hours before you called me home, I would weep. You told me to finish the testimony website and I have not finished it. Oh forgive! Give me more time to do this.””

Our growing team , is running hard and fast to fulfil the vision and mission before the Lord’s return.

Key targets

Key targets for the next 5 years (2023-2027)

Area Key targets
Testimonies and prayers that change lives
  • 58,500 testimonies shared.
  • 117,000 prayers presented to our Lord.
A network of believers/subscribers operating like an army of the Lord
  • 560 sermons preached.
  • 30,000 subscribers per major platform.
Ministering the love of God
  • 390 churches/ministry partners.
  • 100,000 impacted by a church eco system APP.

Financial Partnership

Priority areas for regular financial partnership.
The Holy Scriptures say: “The Lord gives the word, and a great army brings the good news.” Psalm 68:11, NLT. Will you be part of the Lord’s army to bring the good news? The priority areas are:

  1. Country partners.
    To cover the 195 nations of the world, a back bone of our work is country coordinators who collect and verify testimonies, preach the gospel, and minister the love of God (e.g., visit the sick, widows and orphans, poor and hungry). They need equipment (e.g., video cameras, phones, and microphones) to capture testimonies and they need money (e.g., to travel to remote areas and to provide for the vulnerable). We often look for dedicated men and women of God who possess the following character traits (See 1 Timothy 3:8-13): respected, humble, not heavy drinkers, not dishonest with money, committed to the mystery of the gospel (typically have read the entire Bible at least once or working towards it) and are sexually faithful to their one husband/wife or faithfully abstaining from all sexual immorality.
  2. IT platforms
    e.g., Developing APP(s), content, security. Our IT team will need to expand.
  3. Publicity and social media.
    We need to publicise the collected testimonies (including online Ads) and encourage saints in the worldwide church to also share their own testimonies.
  4. In-house army.
    Testimony verification teams, intercessors/worship leaders and coordinators.
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Lord Jesus come, Maranatha!

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