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Our Guinea Partner - CAE

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Country: Guinea

Name of Ministry:

Christ in Action Evangelism (CAE)

Ministry Leader(s)

Rev. Adrien Koiba




Testimony of the Ministry Leader

My name is Rev. Adrien Koïba. I am from Guinean, married with six children. Before I accepted Christ, I was an idol worshipper, living in fornication, and thinking about how to become a warrior.

However, one day, on February 12, 1991, I met an evangelist called John Erickson who was preaching the Gospel in our village. While he was preaching, he talked about the love of God in John 3:16 that: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. I asked him if an idol worshipper can also be saved. He answered: "yes!". Through his response to my question, I accepted Jesus that day. Just after that, I joined a choir in the church, for singing is one of our family's natural talents. After my conversion, I began to experience a positive change in my life.

Call into Ministry

Call into Ministry / How did God call the leader to start ministry?

In 1995, I decided to take the baptism course. After completion I was baptized on December 24, 1995 by pastor Daniel Koné. I decided to fully serve the Lord and I attended Kalima Mission bible school. After that, I went to Timothy Initiative (TTI) International Bible College. Furthermore, I had some trainings at Evangel theological institution and Campaign Crusade. In the year 2016, the Lord spoke into my heart to start a ministry: Christ in Action Evangelism (CAE) with a Vision; "to see young people and Muslims coming to Christ, accepting him as their Lord and Savior", and the mission thereof; to train young people on Evangelism, train pastors, and equip young people to be able to share their testimonies to the unreached communities, and to plant churches in every community and Nation.


Vision of the Ministry

To see young people and Muslims coming to Christ, accepting him as their Lord and Saviour.


Mission of the ministry

To train young people on Evangelism, train pastors, and equip young people to be able to share their testimonies to the unreached communities, and to plant churches in every community and nation.

Ministry Objectives

General Ministry Objectives include:

  1. Our core objective is to transform the life of young people and Muslims through preaching the Gospel, trainings, equipping, and testimonies.


Ministry Achievements to date:

  1. We have so far planted seventeen (17) churches in seventeen (17) villages, and built two (2) church buildings in two villages. We have bought three (3) portions of land in three (3) villages for church buildings. Additionally, we bought three and half hectares of land for agricultural purpose.
Pray with us

How you can pray with us for this ministry:

Country wide work

Please pray with us to have the financial means that will enable us to go all around the country sharing our testimonies, training young people, planting churches, preaching the Gospel, equipping people, purchasing furniture and public Address systems.

Fellow workers
Please pray with us that the Lord sends more labourers (e.g pastors, prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers and volunteers.

Miracle, Signs and wonders
We are working in a country where the majority are Muslims so please pray for the Lord to increase the miracles, signs and wonders by our hand so that the Muslims can believe that the gospel is alive and Jesus is Lord!

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