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Who we are

Ourtestimony.org is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the collection of verified testimonies from various Christians including from Christian ministry partners worldwide. We are a fiscally sponsored project of the Christian Ministry Alliance, a U.S. registered 501c3 tax-deductible charity. The Alliance provides financial oversight for our ministry.

We are also part of Straight Road Ministries which is a dynamic, life transforming ministry with a vision; to prepare the way on which the tabernacle of the Most Holy God passes, making straight the crooked places. This is our testimony.

Dickson Wasake, a servant of the Lord Jesus and an ordained minister is the senior pastor for the ministry. He was called by the Lord as a preacher of righteousness and to tell all to: “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near [Mark 1:15].” We believe in being accountable to our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ and so spiritual oversight is provided by Pastor G. Donaldson of the Leading Lights network

How the ministry was born

As I narrate on the about me page in 2017, I had a radical encounter with Jesus and I got baptized that year.

On 14 October 2019, I wrote down in my spiritual journal for the first time that I was going to fast to the Lord about developing a unique site compared to the Shaweleroad one, the initial online ministry he had asked me to start. This time I was to do a GLOBAL testimony website, which idea the Lord had planted.

I procrastinated and delayed until about almost 2 years later. On 14 August 2021, as I was praying, I heard the Lord ask me: “Mamayi (my native name), what if this was the last Saturday you ever had to speak to my people…?”

Tears filled my eyes. I replied: “Sovereign Lord, if you called me. If I had 24 hours before I came, I would weep. You told me to finish the testimony website and I haven’t finished it. Oh forgive! Give me more time to do this.”

It’s when I knew that the Lord is serious about this ministry and wants it to proceed.

What the ministry is all about

There ae numerous other ministries which feature testimonies. What is unique about this one?

The concept is to create a global Christian website that collates testimonies from churches globally hence works in partnership with uniqueschurches and ministries. The unique feature is that we (my team) check/corroborate the testimonies submitted from those who ask us to verify their stories, so that believers can have the assurance that these things we speak of are true, and so that the Lord’s enemies can be humbled.

I have over 15 years of experience as an “auditor” or “public accountant” (also referred to as a CPA, CA, ACCA in many parts of the world) and it’s this background that helps me appreciate the idea of obtaining assurance for a story.

Why is such “assurance” or “verification” necessary?
First, there is biblical precedent. When Jesus healed, he often sent them to a priest/doctor to be examined to confirm this (for example Luke 7:14).
Second, we live in times where the Christian message is not often believed. Sceptics and atheists abound and they are trying to disprove the evidence we have that God is real and working actively among his people. Someone can dispute many things but it’s hard to dispute our story – our testimony proving that the things we say are true and we are not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord.

The testimonies will prove that we are regular people, in all sorts of Churches (or not even going to church) and we are in all sorts of places but with the Same God and so this global testimony website/App will be a collection of the evidence of God moving in our world today. We do not aim to tell these stories with eloquent speech or superior wisdom but in trembling and in fear (1 Cor 2:1) because when we are weak, then we are strong in Jesus (2 Cor 12:10).

I have been compelled that this is a good thing God blesses because:
  • Stories are a good medium. “Facts tell. Stories sell”. It is a proven thing that humans connect with stories, more than facts we can present about something. My own testimony of my salvation and rescue by Jesus has had tremendous impact on others and has confirmed to them that indeed I was transformed by nothing less than a miracle. I therefore know there are other stories like mine, even “more miraculous” that once encountered will bring Jesus’ people to him.
  • Christian Unity. Just before Jesus left this earth, He wanted his disciples to be “one” (John 17: 21). Christian unity is great proof that we may all be unique churches but we have one Lord, Jesus. This website is proof that God is working all around the world and not just in one place.
  • Overcoming enemy. Many Christians lie in defeat and are perpetually held back by the same sins/addictions and other things because they are not sharing their story, their testimony. Words have power. The bible is the WORD of God. Jesus is the WORD of God. We are spiritual co – heirs with Christ and so our WORD (our testimony) helps us overcome the enemy.

How can you help?

As this vision is too big for me alone (but thankfully other brethren are slowly joining), there are a few things you can do for us:
  1. Pray for us. Pray for others too. Here is how you can pray.
  2. Give to our work. Verifying stories and the technology behind it cost money. Understand why to give and then give generously. or Give here
  3. Pastors/Ministries. Partner with us! The work requires partners and ministries to work with us in telling their church and others about us as well as sending to us testimonies as our ministry partners. Find out more about that partnership here.
  4. Join our team. If this ministry moves your heart, thank God for there are many distinct roles we need to fill right from advisors to technology enthusiasts, then join our team.
    We have been praying for you, for the Lord to send workers to help us with the harvest.

    Lord Jesus, Maranatha (come)!

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