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Request for Prayer Be part of the Mission
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I was diagnosed with a deadly lung disease wayback in 2016, me and everyone around me is already expecting the worst, I was so sad since I was still young, then one day the pain was unbearable, I was coughing blood, i can't breathe properly, my nose are clogged, then I did pray, the most intimate prayer that I have ever made in my entire life, I offered and surrendered everything to my Lord God, i said my apologies for my short comings, i said my thanks to everything that he blessed me in my short life, and I also told him about my lung disease and how it's giving me so much pain also to my family, I was crying so hard, then I ended my prayer with "THY will be done" then I noticed that i felt so tired and then I fell asleep, then as I wokeup almost noon that day OMG, im crying as I am typing this recalling that day, first thing i noticed is that I could breathe properly, then as I was standing up i felt energetic for some reason, then I rushed in the bathroom then I coughed, i coughed some phlegm but no blood or any small blood clots, none at all, my throat was not itching, i have no runny nose, i dont have headache, I felt like It was just a normal day like I am healthy and not sick at all, then as I told my parents, they cried, I told them about my prayer, and we did pray altogether and thank him for the blessing of Miracle, HE IS REALLY POWERFUL AND MERCIFUL, MY LORD GOD, THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU ARE THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. AMEN !! GOD IS REALLY TRUE GUYS! Please take my words, you may not know me but I will never make up such stories, please trust me, never let go of God, He is really True. please love yourself, love your family, love your friends, LOVE LIFE! God bless everyone.


Jerum Jestin




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