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Praise the lord , I'm Jerin Sofia , I thank our almighty Lord jesus christ for giving this opportunity to share my testimony , my life in this world is the greatest gift that lord had given to my mother , because after years of struggle, I'm blessed to form In my mother's womb , Due to the weakness of mother's womb ,the doctor advised to abort the child ,but my mom dint do it ! instead she trusted Jesus and started praying each and everyday until my birth , she prayed to jesus to protect me in her womb , I submit this child to you ,let it belongs to you lord and to do service for you , lord jesus heard my mother's prayer and blessed me with her ,she deliverd me without any complications . as my mother's prayer the Lord blessed me with all talents which she prayed for , and here I'm with lords blessing I submitted my self before god and I keep praying for everyone , When I prayed for my father and uncle's alcohol addiction , my prayers were answerd and they stopped drinking and thus lord helping us through my prayers and blessing that lord has on me. And after years we built a new house for us with lord's grace, In my young age ,I suffered from hormonal imbalance problem more than four months I suffered a lot , even medicines couldn’t cured this,doctor advised to go for surgery to cure my health issues , that time my mother prayed for me ,at one night while my mother was praying I felt lord's hand touched me and I felt the healing and presence of our lord jesus christ, from that day till now I haven't suffered from that health issues I thank lord for it, During my 11th grade I have attended a prayer meeting ,In the meeting I prayed to God to speak to me and prayed that I've been longing to hears yours voice lord , that meeting was 4 day continues meeting ,in the second day of the prayer meeting ,the Lord jesus touched me and spoke to me and that moment is the most blessing day of my life ,from that moment my life changed , in every way I ask God's direction to correct me,till now I keep the worldly things away, I live my life with holiness and always jesus is with me as a friend ,I'm a chosen child I give my wholehearted gratitude to jesus , for choosing me in my mother's womb, I thank jesus for giving my mother as a precious gift in my life Finally my gratitude for brother Sam for giving this opportunity to share our lord jesus has done and blessed my life. Glory to God amen


Jerin sofia




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